Virgo truth: I’m worried this post isn’t good enough

The Sun will be in Virgo from approximately 8/22-9/23. When I think of Virgo, the word purity comes to mind – a purity that comes from service.

Virgo is the sign of the Virgin ,and with her unflawed demeanor, we can see the burden that is carried through the path of the Virgo.

In Greek mythology, Virgo is normally associated with Astraea, who was the virgin-goddess of Justice. Astraea was the daughter of Zeus and Themis and she was seen as the reflection of purity. It is said that when she ascended to the heavens, she became the constellation Virgo and her scales of Justice became Libra. Astraea held a position of authority during the Utopian Golden Age, and only left once humans became violent and greedy.

From this perspective, we can understand the search of perfection that is inherent in Virgo.

In the lines of perfection, we see the soul in its journey toward the source.  Halfway there we try and find the calling of that journey to completion. But we are not there yet. We have hit an evolutionary epoch that aspires us to go on. We have journeyed through the realm of the unconscious. Now it is time to put those patterns in their proper space and feel the purity of our hearts.

Virgo’s purity represents the peak of perfection toward a particular set of skills. They know when to add nuance or make changes to make something work more efficiently. Virgos are very proficient at waiting for the right possible moment before acting.

Just as the farmer knows the right time to harvest. Virgo knows that its energy can only be fully used when the timing is right.  The Virgo will know they are ready once they are able to let go of the idea of failure.

Virgo is to share the skill they are perfecting to those who can use that skill to move forward in their own existence.

The Virgo does this without emotion or codependency. For the Virgo, living in the light it is about the skill they are perfecting that meshes with the other parts of the whole. The Virgo is not seeking anything in return. Their completeness comes in the knowledge that the service they provide enables them to get closer to perfection. In this perfection, that reflection of the divine is now shown in the essence of the Virgo.

You will know a Virgo is walking in their shadow when they start looking for acknowledgement for the service they provide. The shadow of the Virgo is one in which it assumes purity in others without fully embracing it in themselves. Their answers become empty and their methods stale. A weakness sets in that stagnates the Virgo and a critical nature rises to the surface.

Let’s imagine an artist (Virgo) standing before a painting that has yet to be started. What you have is a blank canvass and the potential of greatness laid out before the artist.

The power resides in the untouched canvass, as its greatness is ready to be tapped.  An Aries might attack the painting with reckless abandon or a Pisces might paint half the painting before opening their eyes.

Not this Virgo artist.

The Virgo sits back reluctant to start with fear running through their veins. The Virgo knows that while the canvass is untouched the potential is there to create a masterpiece of perfection. The Virgo conceptually understands the potential that is the painting. With their mind they grasp all concepts that make artist great. Greatness is there to be had, but the finicky Virgo artist with their insecurities argues with themself that they are not good enough.

Since they see themself as imperfect, how could they create anything that is perfect? The Virgo takes this pressure and forces it out in an abundance of criticism yoward themself and others if they are around.

A Virgo needs to realize that the channel of their skill is born though the unity of the divine source and hard work. It does not come through over thinking and the idea that they are the burden of perfection. Virgo should realize they are only a vessel that uses their hard work and skill for service. They must realize that the “perfected unity” of the masculine and feminine creates the Immaculate Conception that gives birth towards that skill with sincere practice and hard work. 

The divine birth (the finished painting) is the perfected unity that creates without destroying. The fear of starting the painting is the ego feeding the artist that they are solely in control of the painting. When the Virgo puts faith in spirit that the painting will be as it should, fear is dissolved and perfection is at hand. Virgos must understand and embrace what they are good at and give that back as a service for others. In that the service, purity is attained.

When we think of service, we think of what we can do for others. This ideal is honored as a way to show our compassion. Virgos are the best sign at seeing an issue and coming up with a plan to solve that issue. Even when there are no messes to clean up, Virgos can provide an element that bolds well for whoever is in their presence. The Virgo living in balance achieves greatness in service. The Virgo in shadow greets service with martyrdom.

The problem with the Virgo in its shadow is they are so concerned with others, the service of self suffers. They start to see their service as an identity of self worth. When they don’t see others singing the praises of the Virgo, they go into a tailspin of self-denial. The Virgo will say, “They are stupid for not seeing what I did. How can another get all the praise when I did all the work?”

It is then the opposite can happen – selfishness.

The Virgo and her constant search for perfection will put herself in the middle on another’s dilemma. The Virgo sees the imperfection of another and is quick and selfishly willing to let the other person know how to be perfect. When that person does not adhere to the advice that will make them “perfect,” Virgo lashes out with criticism that reveals their own imperfect existence. She becomes very selfish as she realizes how imperfect she is.

Once the Virgo has accepted that she is as imperfect as everyone, else she can move on to the next step. The next step is knowing that her imperfections are her perfections. After she realizes those two things she is set toward the ultimate goal to perfection that comes from service. She is to help people or groups; she is one proficient part that completes the whole. This whole, which is the reflection of spirit, is now headed for the ultimate realization.



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