The Wonder of Spring

At some point in our lives, we have all sat in awe of the sky above us. It might have been a long time ago, but even the most ardent Astrological cynic can look at the sky and feel its wonders. This sense of wonder helps us understand our smallness and sense the kaleidoscope of celestial structures that connects the sky to our being.

The universe on a cloudless night is a perfect opportunity to help us feel a proper trajectory into the soul of the collective. As we look up at the sky, the symbolism that we manifest with our hearts is at the grandest of opportunities to add to what we see. 

I spend as much time as I can meditating with the stars and planets these days. As a child, I would sneak out of my house, head to the schoolyard, and lay down and look up at the sky. When I was 15, my uncle Bruce took me to a little slip of beach on the outer banks of North Carolina. It was around midnight, and it seemed like we were driving for hours. When we finally got there it was a crisp moonless night in spring. Looking out over the Atlantic Ocean, I saw the infinity of majestic wonders without a single ray of artificial lighting.  

From about ages 17 - 23, the wonder of the sky was of little notice. I was falling into the endless battle of society’s rules that try to pull us from feeling. I gave little thought to the planets or sky above me.  I was more into menial satisfaction and quick fixes that never seemed to work. 

As I started paying attention to the sky in my mid-twenties, my life took on a whole new meaning. I am confident in saying that if you start paying attention to the sky, you yourself will find a whole new meaning. You might not become a Professional Astrologer like I Idid, but I am confident that you will find the path that unlocks a feeling toward your destiny. 

This week is a great time to relearn, or even remember, the path of the ancients. It is a great time to readjust your thoughts of true wealth to a face that is seen at night and to get reacquainted to the solitude and familiarity that staring at the sky can bring. 

The call to action is Faith in Spirit. Sounds simple, right? Yes, but most of us it’s easier said than done. We meditate and have a blissful yoga experience but there are still bills to pay and a kid with a cold. We have jobs to worry about - you know, the “American dream” stuff. 

But guess what? But this Equinox is saying to look within with sincerity. It is time to see your call to spirit as your drive for fulfillment and to understand the compassion we have in the heart for ourselves which can be reflected in the greater good. Let go of the fear and follow your dreams without ego stomping on the dreams of another.

The Spring Equinox is an ideal time to make resolutions. With equal day and equal night, you have a balance of energy that can help you add sincerity to your practice. Use the symbolism of equal balance of the Feminine and the Masculine to add foresight toward your authentic path. The Sun in Aries can give you the energy you need to apply this to your makeup and bring not only your dreams to light, but also bring forth the dreams of the world.

Love and Light…



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