As life moves forward, it seems we come into 2021 with more questions than answers, but the cog in the wheel of life remains the same. We are to live a purpose-filled life, whether we are conscious about it or not. No single lifetime is wasted and, many times, the lessons being taught are far from the cerebral that makes it readily available to digest. 

So, 2020 came and created all kinds of opportunities to feel some sort of tension for us to learn from. They say that we evolve at a much greater rate on the heels of adversity and 2020 was a supercharged one. There are many outcomes for experiences from all. There can be many faces in the mirrors of truth, but which truth is the actual truth? 

The Winter Solstice with the Grand Jupiter\Saturn conjunction that happened earlier this month can help give us a glimpse into the realm of hope that will push through 2021.  Astrologically speaking, we are in some heady times and over the next few years the true essence of freedom will be on full display. 

The journey into understanding freedom comes with a HUGE amount of personal responsibility.  Freedom requires us to do our parts as individuals and the understanding that the greatest minority in the world is actually the individual. We come in all shapes and sizes colors and creeds and the one thing we all have in common is that we fall under the umbrella of Human. 

Without pointing fingers at any political ideology, we are starting to see the cracks of big government and its imposing will on the people. For the first time in a long time, there is a shift in the ranks of the Democrat and Republican parties in which establishment players on both sides are being exposed in a way that is creating great tension around the status quo. This is waking up a lot of people who have been in a slumber for years and creating more participation in the process from many individuals previously uninterested. Could there be three or maybe four political parties over the next few years? With Pluto in Capricorn and moving toward the degrees of where Pluto was during the American Revolution, there is a sense that the corruption within the establishment players will be revealed over the next few years. 

How we deal with this will go a long way into becoming the nation we are destined to be.  As we move toward our country’s destinational purpose, we get to include everyone under the umbrella of Liberty. No longer will there be groups of people who aren’t deemed worthy of the words of our great constitution. My true feeling in all of this is optimism. 

That being said, there will be a lot of tension in 2021 and 2022 as we sort this all this out. This is par for the course in our history, and its not to be feared but in embraced. That’s because freedom and truth are like a long loving marriage in that they require work to endure. The good news is that more and more people are waking up to this requirement and finding it within themselves to not only believe but to work toward a cause that can benefit us all!!

Happy New Year….BWA


Thinking makes it “so…”